Changing Ways (W20)
The Garou Nature
The Garou are warriors of Gaia. Part human¸ part wolf¸ and part spirit they look like what humans think of as werewolves but are so much more. Though most come into the world as humans or wolves¸ that state does not last. Wolf-born gain a spark of human intelligence after their Change¸ while those born to humans must cope with the instincts of a hunter¸ and the burning need to be part of a pack. Those poor wretches born to two werewolves grow up never knowing any different¸ and that leaves them with a unique outlook on the world. Beyond their fluid bodies and warrior's minds¸ each Garou has the blessings of the spirit world that empowers their fight for Gaia.
Red in Tooth and Claw
Changing Ways is an in-depth look at what it means to be a werewolf¸ both on a personal level and as part of a pack. It digs deep into what it feels like to have bones re-knit after breaking¸ the range of senses available across all forms¸ and the sudden heady rush of the Gifts and Rites bestowed by spirits. It also provides a look at what life is like for lupus and metis werewolves¸ characters who have had experiences alien to any person. It shows the many ways that werewolves organize in packs¸ and how those packs are designed as groups of warriors¸ rather than aligned to the behavior of wolves.
Changing Ways contains:
- A detailed look at what it means to grow up as a lupus or metis werewolf¸ and how that colors a character's perspective.
- More information on what it feels like to be a werewolf¸ a creature that changes in both body and mind.
- Frameworks and organizations for packs¸ along with new tactics and systems for forging the pack as part of play.