200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
In the time of Rome's expansion¸ the White Howlers were all that stood between the legions and domination of the land that would come to be known as Scotland. Fanatics¸ warriors¸ and mystics¸ they delved deeper than they ever should have in the defense of their homeland. While they found the power to repel the invaders¸ they sold their souls and their sanity to do so. Corrupted¸ and driven mad¸ they bent their heads to the Wyrm¸ and in so doing they joined the side of the great destroyer in its march toward Armageddon. They renamed themselves the Black Spiral Dancers¸ and since then they have worked in opposition to the other tribes¸ while also working to corrupt their warriors' hearts and minds; forever trying to persuade them to lay down their arms¸ and dance the spiral.
Much like the tribe's garou¸ their kinfolk are a mish-mash of the stolen¸ the corrupted¸ and the true bred. While some of the kin are monstrous¸ twisted into horrors by the taint of the Wyrm¸ others are surprisingly average. A look deep into their eyes often reveals the madness that lurks within them¸ though¸ and that dark insanity is what unifies them more strongly than history¸ faith¸ or bloodline. Some are disaffected¸ turned away by their birth tribes. Others are brought low by their own pride¸ hatred¸ or cravings. A few may even see the Wyrm and its gifts as a means to an end. When all is said and done it doesn't matter... they are all lost within the dark Maze that will unmake the world.