100 Black Fury Kinfolk
Spirits of vengeance personifi ed¸ the Black Furies are the wardens of the Wyld. Defenders of the unspoiled reaches of the world¸ the great deeds of this tribe have inspired the legends of mythical warrior women for centuries. That fierceness is tempered by the open arms they extend to those whom have been cast out and turned away from other tribes¸ or who need a safe harbor in the world.
Those sheltering arms have led the Black Furies to boast a diverse array of kinfolk¸ most of whom are intensely loyal to the den mothers and sisters who have helped them stand on their own two feet again. While not all the Furies' kin are warriors¸ all do their part to defeat the Wyrm¸ and to defend Gaia's wilderness against the constant encroachment of man¸ and of the Weaver. Naturalists and fighters¸ athletes and warriors¸ artists and poets¸ the Furies boast these and more among their kin.
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