Monsters Guide to Combat Encounters for Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Level 12
If you are a DM of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage and you want to run your combat encounters faster and better¸ this guide is for you! In this guide you will find description for ALL 26 combat encounters that might occur when your party exploring Level 12: Maze Level. You will find useful advices on how to use creatures in combat. Where should they stand? What course of action will be most efficient and logical? Whom they will attack? Will they fight to the death? Will they flee or surrender? I also put detailed explanation on how some creatures' abilities and traits work. Tactics for 14 different creatures is described depending on surroundings¸ allies and lore: Assassin Bore Worm Drow Drow Archmage Drow Elite Warrior Drow Mage Drow Priestess of Lolth Giant Lizard Incubus Mage Minotaur Minotaur Skeleton Quaggoth Vrock Hope this guide will be helpful for your games!