Heisting Xanathars Lair (maps¸ heist guidelines and DMs resources for Chapter 5: Spring Madness)
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Heisting Xanathar's Lair Dragon Heist. It's right there in the title. Heist. Not surprisingly¸ both you and your players likely expect that there'll be a heist ‐ a daring theft from a dangerous location ‐ in there somewhere. And while taking 500¸000 gold dragons from the Vault of Dragons can technically be considered a heist¸ it's not exactly the sort of heist we've come to expect from watching films such as Ocean's 11 or The Italian Job. So what do you do¸ if you want to put the heist in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist? Heisting Xanathar's Lair includes everything you'll need to succesfully run the dangerous Xanathar's Lair for your players. Delving into and adding to the information found in Chapter 5: Spring Madness ¸ this download contains general guidelines for running a heist on a villain's lair¸ DM's resources that makes preparing for Xanathar's Lair fast and smooth¸ and several high quality battlemaps ‐ all you'll need to put the heist in Dragon Heist! This product includes: General Heist Rules ‐ ideas on which score to use and how to set up the need for a heist¸ as well as general guidelines to help you structure and run a heist on a villain's lair in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. DM's Resources for Xanathar's Lair ‐ tables with valuable information about Xanathar's lair¸ new and alternative ways of entering the lair¸ easy-to-use lair encounters¸ and advice on handling distractions¸ raising the alarm¸ and¸ hopefully¸ your party's escape from Xanathar's Lair! Xanathar Lair Roster ‐ a one-page roster giving you a overview of the denizens of Xanathar's Lair Tournament ‐ A one-page guide to running an exciting tournament in the Pit of Blood and Fortune! Monster Stat Blocks ‐ a complete document with the monsters found in Xanathar's Lair¸ conveniently grouped so there's less shuffling pages at the table. Maps ‐ Four high quality battlemaps primed for use on digital tabletop¸ showing the Xanathar's Lair¸ the Xanathar Guild Hideout¸ the Night Dock Ward and the Pit of Blood and Fortune! Sample Pages