Hair of the Dog
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The lady of House Zulpair has received a threat to steal a priceless artifact from under her nose. The threat comes in the form of a letter signed by "Hair of the Dog¸" a notable phantom thief who made their mark on Waterdeep nearly 300 years ago. Lady Zulpair hires the party to keep her valuables safe without disrupting any activity in the manor- for Hair of the Dog has vowed to strike on the very same night as the lady's birthday party! This romp through the City of Splendors involves several familiar faces¸ including Vincent Trench and Savra Belabranta¸ and works perfectly as a companion to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. The adventure is intended for a party of characters who are levels 4-5. This adventure was published during the RPG Writer's Workshop Summer 2019 session and could not have been completed without the wonderful instructors and community surrounding it. To learn more about the workshop¸ visit the website ( ). To contact the author of this module¸ you can find them on twitter ( ). Included in this module: 8 pages of a full-color stylized PDF A simplified single-column tagged PDF with no images Staff Pick Since the release of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist¸ heists have been a popular adventure type¸ but "Hair of the Dog" flips this narrative with the ultimate anti-heist. As players investigate a thief's threat and prepare to foil their plot¸ they can uncover a trove of secrets¸ twists¸ and turns. With a cast of colorful NPCs and a witty exploration of identity¸ "Hair of the Dog" offers a memorable experience. -Lysa Penrose¸ Your Friendly Ethereal DMG Brand Manager