DotMM Companion 02: The Arcane Chambers
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Welcome back to the second installment of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion ¸ this time covering the second chapter of the adventure: the Arcane Chambers. Within this guide you will find: DM Notes. Notes including but not limited to spicing up the dungeon crawl with valuable roleplay with select NPCs. The Mad Mage. Advice on roleplaying Halaster Blackcloak himself¸ chiefly as a deranged gameshow host. Additional Loot. Players love to find loot¸ even the most minute of hauls. A few additional items have been added without overbloating the players' power. Random Encounters. In addition to the wandering monsters described in Chapter 2¸ a few additional encounters have been designed with the intent of not slowing down the dungeon. Areas of Note. Notes¸ room descriptions¸ scenes¸ and scripts for various areas of the dungeon. Magic Item Descriptions. Save yourself the time of digging through the Dungeon Master's Guide to determine how the few magic items on this floor work. The appendix also lists the area the item is found. Monster Stats. Statblocks have been prepared for all 33+ unique NPCs used in Level 2 of the dungeon. The Companion Stalk Me Online: Patreon : Website: Disc ord: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Ko-Fi: Email: Other Work by Wyatt Trull: Player Options Encounters & Adventures Character Secrets Curse of Strahd Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Waterdeep: Dragon Heist