Wasteland Sagas
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The World of Wasteland Sagas
Many chroniclers have speculated the world broke due to a of string atrocious events. Tales of nuclear bombs that went off because territories disliked one another. Stories of laboratory-engineered viruses and mutagens designed to destroy people. Mother Nature had enough of the parasites 'inconsideration and exploitation¸ so she revolted against humanity.
The world was undone. Mankind crawled out of the rubble and ruin determined to persevere. It would be great to say people learned their lesson¸ but there will always be "Human Nature”. Knowledge of technology has been lost. There are remnants of ancient devices¸ so it does have mystery and value. The curious and enterprising sentients are rediscovering technologies and scientific theories bastardizing them into something different and unique that works in their new world. A new image of the world is being built. These are the building blocks of Wasteland Sagas.
Wasteland Sagas is filled with Mutants¸ Humans¸ Androids¸ and other oddities. Options exist such as Mutations¸ Bio Ware¸ Cybernetics¸ Android upgrades¸ and Faults. Lots to choose from to create any type of character in this sci-fi wasteland. These are the inhabitants of the new world.
This is the 6th game that has been produced by The Polyhedral Knights and as usual¸ we aim to create something simple to learn and loads of fun. We designed a world that has enough information in it to get the GM started and enough open space for them to create what they want in this blasted wasteland.