Occupation of the Rhineland¸ 1936¸ 3rd ed.
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OCCUPATION OF THE RHINELAND¸ 1936¸ 3rd ed. is a solitaire game simulating events of March¸ 1936¸ when Germany reoccupied the Rhineland militarily in contravention of existing treaties¸ and the response of France¸ and the world¸ to this. The game player represents France-the major power most threatened-while the game system represents the actions of Germany¸ Britain¸ and the League of Nations. The object of the game is for France to get Germany to withdraw from the Rhineland without threatening the French economy with ruin¸ or Europe with another war. This 3rd edition is unchanged from the 2nd ed.¸ except for new¸ updated game components¸ and verbal clarifications in the rules.
The situation is complicated because of the political and economic turmoil that might be caused in France if a full military response were done. Her best hope lies with gaining the support of Britain and the League of Nations. Diplomatic (and possible united military response) might be enough to force Germany's hand. While the goal is the removal of German troops from the Rhineland¸ France can ill-afford unilateral mobilization¸ a move that could lead to undesirable consequences not only for the country¸ but for all of Europe.
OCCUPATION OF THE RHINELAND¸ 1936 3rd ed. ranks high in playability and historicity¸ and comes with a small color map¸ a set of color counters¸ and rules (standard and optional). All you need to supply are two six-sided dice¸ paper and pencil... and good strategy.
Publisher: Minden Games. Designer: Gary Graber.
OCCUPATION OF THE RHINELAND¸ 1936¸ 3rd ed. is a solitaire game simulating events of March¸ 1936¸ when Germany reoccupied the Rhineland militarily in contravention of existing treaties¸ and the response of France¸ and the world¸ to this. The game player represents France-the major power most threatened-while the game system represents the actions of Germany¸ Britain¸ and the League of Nations. The object of the game is for France to get Germany to withdraw from the Rhineland without threatening the French economy with ruin¸ or Europe with another war. This 3rd edition is unchanged from the 2nd ed.¸ except for new¸ updated game components¸ and verbal clarifications in the rules.
The situation is complicated because of the political and economic turmoil that might be caused in France if a full military response were done. Her best hope lies with gaining the support of Britain and the League of Nations. Diplomatic (and possible united military response) might be enough to force Germany's hand. While the goal is the removal of German troops from the Rhineland¸ France can ill-afford unilateral mobilization¸ a move that could lead to undesirable consequences not only for the country¸ but for all of Europe.
OCCUPATION OF THE RHINELAND¸ 1936 3rd ed . ranks high in playability and historicity¸ and comes with a small color map¸ a set of color counters¸ and rules (standard and optional). All you need to supply are two six-sided dice¸ paper and pencil... and good strategy.
Publisher: Minden Games. Designer: Gary Graber.