Königlich Bayerische Heer 1809-1814 Bavarian army ("10mm")
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Königlich Bayerische Heer 1809-1814 Bavarian army ("10mm")
2¸5d Modular Wargames System
The set of counters printable file¸ designed especially for tabletop wargames from line of "Just Paper Battles Napoleonics" series.
This set contains artwork "6mm" scale papercraft historical counters.
File format: PDF A4 and US Letter (up to 51 MB)
Color model: CMYK (full color)
Resolution: 300 dpi
Warning! These digital designs are available for personal non-commercial use only.
You can to print and assemble so much units¸ so much you need for your wargames battle.
Multi layer PDF-file
You need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 or higher.
Used up to 100-120 g/m2 paper.
The Staff
Die Stäbe x4 Pg 6
Die Stäbe x4 Pg 6
Die Infanterie
Linieninfanterie x65 Pg 9-11
Linieninfanterie x65 Pg 12-16
Leichtes Inf. Bataillon x35 Pg 17-19
Leichtes Inf. in Mänteln. x35 Pg 19-21
Mobile Legionen x12 Pg 19¸ 22
National-Feldbataillon x4 Pg 22
Freiwillige Jägercorps x4 Pg 22
Freiwillige Jägercorps 1809 x4 Pg 22
Die Kavallerie
Dragoner x8 Pg 2
Chevauxlegers x24 Pg 2-3
Chevauxlegers x4 Pg 4
Chevauxlegers x8 Pg 5
Uhlanen x4 Pg 4
Uhlanen x4 Pg 4
Uhlanen x8 Pg 5
Die Husaren x4 Pg 4
Die Artillerie
Kompanien zu Fuß x3 Pg 7
Kompanien zu Fuß x9 Pg 7-8
Kompanien zu Fuß x6 Pg 8
Kompanien zu Fuß x6 Pg 7-8
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