Dreadnoughts At Dawn (naval battles)
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Dreadnoughts At Dawn is an innovative fast play set of rules for fighting large WW1 naval battles utilising 1:3000th or 1:2400 scale models Whilst all ships from destroyers to super dreadnoughts are represented the emphasis is on capital ships¸ escorts are covered in a simplified way. These rules originated as a project to see if I could produce a WW1 naval set of rules that required zero off board record keeping. All the movement orders and damage keeping is carried out by custom markers on the board. I have found that naval games are either too complicated to be fun or so abstracted as to have no atmosphere of realism about them at all. I wanted to do my best attempt at getting the balancing act between realism and complexity right for me. These rules are not "better" than anyone else's they just reflect my take on the period. When I play tested them at my local club "Wargames Association of Reading" in the UK¸ I was pleasantly surprised how well they worked and how well received they were. I have written many rules before but never gone to the extent of publishing them before. As my primary aim is to enjoy the hobby rather than become a publishing millionaire¸ I have tried to keep the cost of these rules as low as practical. The initial rules cover British and German ships in the north sea¸ any additions to these rules or this list will be free of charge to registered purchasers.