Battle Dress: Science Fiction Wargaming Rules
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Battle Dress is a set of science fiction wargaming rules intended for use with 6mm (1/300) or 15mm (1/100) scale figures. Battle Dress is:
to fight actions of about a reinforced company on each side intended for multi-based figures and single vehicles/guns a ruleset that places stress on troop quality and uses an innovative command system to reflect better quality troops being able to do more "stuff" on average than poor quality troops a ruleset that includes all the weapon and vehicle stats you need to play right away¸ drawn from the Traveller science fiction universe blessed by Traveller designer Marc W Miller full of science fiction elements like grav vehicles¸ warbots and fusion guns fully capable of handling actions between forces of very different technology levels intended to fill the gap in between RPG/single-figure skirmish combat systems and large-scale abstract mass battle systems.