1916 - Verdun Campaign of Attrition
1916 is a two player game in which both players command historic combat divisions in an attempt to outlast their opponent during the 10 month German campaign against the French fortress of Verdun. The German player plays the role of Crown Prince Wilhelm (son of the Kaiser)¸ commander of the German 5th Army tasked with attacking Verdun. The French player takes on the role of Philippe Petain¸ attempting to resist complete annihilation by the Germans. The attack on Verdun was notable as Verdun had no inherent strategic value¸ but a significant value to French national prestige. German army comander Falkenhayn intended to "bleed the French white"¸ meaning to cause so many casualties against the French that theri remaining reserves of manpower would be exhausted and weakened across the entier Western front. Falkenhayn correctly assumed that the French would ferociously defend Verdunas it was an ancient Fortress and long held symbol of national pride¸ and therefore at one point all of the Frnch Army was being rotated in and out in order to keep up with the constant German bombardments and assaults. Weight: 7/10 Solitaire Suitability: 6/10 Time Scale: 1 turn per month Map Scale: 12.5 miles per hex Unit Scale: 3000 men per strength point Players 1-2