Darwin's Catalogue: Beastmen of Britain
Devious and lithe. Powerful and stubborn. Cunning¸ proud¸ or even seductive. No race on earth is more varied in appearance or capacities as the Beastmen. Indeed¸ though Science has clearly found that Beastmen are all of a single race¸ it seems almost impossible to believe that a stooped¸ ratlike creature¸ no matter how sapient¸ might be cousin to a man with the build and features of a horse or a lion.
Beastmen of Britain builds upon the options for Beastmen characters given in the Victoriana Second Edition Core Rulebook¸ offering specific Beastmen subtypes each with its own strengths and weaknesses. These optional subtypes work seamlessly with the core rules¸ and Gamemasters can mix-and-match the "generic" core rules Beastmen and the specific Beastmen offered here with impunity.
Create characters and NPC with the same depth of variety that defines this most fascinating of races!
Darwin's Catalogue: Beastmen of Britain contains:
· Twenty-eight specific Beastmen subtypes¸ each with a unique blend of attribute adjustments and animal traits
· An expanded list of animal traits
· Beastmen Hybrids: The half-breed results of Beastmen and other races