Clanbook: 1e Tremere (1e)
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Magie¸ Manipulation¸ Mord. Aisling Sturbridge¸ Regentin des belagerten Gildehauses der Fünf Bezirke¸ Führerin¸ Lehrerin und Behüterin der ihr anvertrauten Novizen¸ steht mit einem Fuß fest in den Mythen und mit dem anderen in den gnadenlosen Straßen New Yorks.
Aber als wäre es noch nicht genug¸ die Stellung gegen den Sabbat zu halten¸ muß Sturbridge sich bemühen¸ einen Mord im herzen ihres Geildehauses aufzuklären¸ die Manipulationen rivalisierender Tremere-Ränkeschmiede zu durchkreuzen und die zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit des Mutterhauses in Wien zu überstehen.
Doch all diese Bemühungen könnten sich als sinnlos erweisen¸ wenn Sturbridge ihren eigenen schweigenden Anklägern nichts zu entgegnen weiß - den Gesichtern der Kinder im Brunnen.
248 Seiten¸ Paperback
Majesty and mystery - the two words are synonymous with the word "Tremere." Born of murder and greed¸ created for power and destruction¸ they are the most feared of the Camarilla clans. they are also the clan with the most to fear¸ for their enemies are everywhere¸ especially within their own ranks.
Clanbook: Tremere includes: the dark history of the clan¸ and rumors of its even darker future; ten sample characters suitable for players and Storytellers; and in-depth information on the powerful Discipline of Thaumaturgy.
From her first night among the Kindred¸ the neonate Tremere leads a double unlife. Bound not only by the traditions of the Camarilla but by those of her clan¸ the Tremere must find a place for herself in her own hierarchy and in the deadly world of vampires. Learn the magic of the Tremere and the rigors of earning status in the clan. As part of the revised lineup of clanbooks¸ Tremere takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts¸ allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
Majesty and mystery - the two words are synonymous with the word 'Tremere.' Born of murder and greed¸ created for power and destruction¸ they are the most feared of the Camarilla clans. They are also the clan with the most to fear¸ for their enemies are everywhere¸ especially within their own ranks.