Monster of the Week: The Mahaha
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The Monster of the Week - The Mahaha!
The Monster of the Week product line takes its inspiration from the television trope of the same name: a convention by which a weekly television production might introduce a new freak¸ villain¸ or beastie in every episode¸ allowing the episode's themes and topics to revolve around the latest "big bad." Monster of the Week aims to arm GMs with creatures and villains perfect for such a role. Whether you're looking to populate a memorable encounter or a villainous story arc¸ our Monster of the Week is made for maximum creepfactor and memorable "wow" power!
Within this installment's pages you will find the true and terrible description of the mahaha - a shaggy¸ mountain-dwelling creature not dissimilar to a yeti or sasquatch¸ and yet far more unnerving than either… for the mahaha leaves its victims with a macabre calling card: a signature smile¸ twisted and frozen upon the faces of those unfortunate enough to succumb to the monster's claws. Called by names like "the tickler¸" or "the smiling man¸" few creatures make for more unsettling foes. Derived from real-world Inuit myth¸ these terrors of the tundra are presented within these pages in the spirit of the original aboriginal legends. Read on¸ but take care¸ lest you crack a smile or let slip a chuckle. You wouldn't want to do that…