Andorozon 1
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Welcome to Angry Viking Press' First Download Comic. And what better comic to start with then Andorozon #1! Andorozon is a long time effort of Japanese comic artist Ken Singshow. First published in America through Antartic Press' Furlough comics¸ and aperinces in othe comic companies such as Shanda Fantasy Arts. Andorozon finaly finds its hope with Angry Viking Press! On to the story. What happens when ordinary animals are transformed into highly intelligent cybernetic humanoid animals of mass destruction? Trouble. The mad scientist from the future¸ Dr. Van Burden¸ thought she could take over the world of the past with an army of highly advanced humanoid cybernetic felines¸ but when she experiments her anthroid process on other types of animals¸ she discovers she created more trouble than she bargained for. Now she finds her plans constantly foiled by the wacky mishaps of the Andorozons. Merry¸ the dumb luck husky¸ Rokki¸ the calculating flying-squirrel¸ Tsuneko the gun crazy fox¸ Sue-chan the olfactory challenged skunk¸ and Sachi the would be entertainer killer whale. Taking over the world for a cat lover had just gone to the dogs... and her friends! Andorozon¸ where high-tech slapstick and comedic action never looked this good.