Cityographer Underdark/Duergar/Svirfneblin City Map Icons (Any Editor)
Each month we've been putting together icon sets to expand the options available for each of Inkwell Ideas 's software programs through our Patreon. (Something like a monthly subscription.) This icon set includes the icons we created in June 2018 for Cityogapher. They have an Underdark theme with duergar¸ svirfneblin¸ and other underdark inspired buildings. All of the icons are in the thumbnail/contact sheet product image. (Click it for a larger version.)
You may publish maps using these icons--see the license below.
Each image is a transparent PNG so it can be imported into many image and map editors¸ including Cityographer. (It has a paid version and a free version which limits how many custom map items you may import¸ number of residents it will auto-generate and a few other minor options.) Smaller buildings (houses¸ small shops) are generally around 200x200pixels. Other buildings are larger.
Instructions are included in the zipped file.
- The licensee may not use the art in another stock art/clip art product.
- The licensee may modify the images.
- The art may not be included in a program that makes maps or games. It can be added to the program by the end-user who purchases it him/herself.
- The art can appear in advertisements for products which use the image.
- If distributing a product with the art¸ the artist and product must be credited in your product as follows: 'Some map icons from [product name] by artist Keith Curtis via Inkwell Ideas.' (Replace product name with the name of the icon set you're using. ; If using multiple¸ list them separated by commas.)
- Contact with questions.
Look for Inkwell Ideas on Patreon to get more map icons every month. Plus make suggestions and vote in polls.