The Blighted Bestiary
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Let them know obedience. Let them know desolation. But¸ most of all¸ let them know pain...
Salena Valanas¸ instructing the Shapers Guild
Written by Hal Maclean and Mathew Kaiser¸ The Blighted Bestiary presents a host of new monsters and minions designed to help the blight elves carry out their crusade of visiting misery to every corner of the world. Though designed as a companion volume to Blight Elves: Architects of Despair¸ a Narrator could easily adapt the creatures¸ templates and even stat blocks of different creatures found within this book to fit other situations. Every world needs villains¸ the more dastardly the better¸ and the blight elves¸ devoted servants to the goddess of suicide¸ bring an entirely new dimension to villainy.
Seeking not territorial aggrandizement or personal glory¸ but rather to make every living creature prefer death to life¸ the blight elves apply every facet of their pitiless lore to manufacturing servant creatures. Twisting flesh and bone to suit their purposes¸ they delight in the certainty that most of their vassals suffer with constant torment¸ both physical and psychological. Only the safeguards bred into them by their masters keeps these wretched creatures from taking revenge for the misery of their existence.
Below are but a few of the blighted horrors you will find in this product :
Blaze Shrikes : birds with combustible blood that serve their masters as free-willed grenades.
Blight Nags : Once noble steeds twisted into slavish battle mounts that radiate an aura overwhelming melancholy.
Bone Gallows : An undead lynching post made from the bone and flesh of earlier victims.
Carrion Claws: Emaciated predatory cats that must feed through their claws by stealing life energy from their victims.
Desiccated Colossi : Giants that drain the moisture from their victims with the slightest touch.
Dracoraptors : Flying reptiles with breath so repulsive few creatures can stand against them.
Dust Stalkers : Disease ridden guard animals trained to hunt and kill.
Fendracs : Ps ychic wolves psychically linked by a pack mind.
Frost Creeps : Giant worms that emit a slime that liquefies and then freezes their surroundings¸ making it all but impossible for their victims to escape when they roll over them.
Hollowhorns : Gigantic rams that make sounds that grow more terrifying the faster they move.
Hookhides : Huge froglike creatures covered in barbed quills capable of shredding through entire squadrons with each leap.
Killstings : Giant wasp like creatures that implant rapidly maturing eggs in their victims causing squirming grubs to almost instantly spill out of the wound.
Want to learn more about Blight Elves? Listen to The Bear's Grove 38 and The Tome Show 60.