The High Frontier
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Der zweite Band ist für die Serie Transhuman Space konzipiert: High Frontier beschreibt den sehr populationsstarken erdnahen Weltraum¸ sprich unser Sonnensystem. Darunter der Erd-Orbit und natürlich auch der Mond. Wer TS noch nicht kennt¸ aber SciFi/Space als Genre mag¸ sollte dringend mal einen Blick auf diese sehr empfehlenswerte Serie werfen!
In the year 2100¸ Earth-Lunar space is the most densely populated area of the solar system outside Earth itself. Come visit: * Earth orbit¸ buzzing with busy space factories¸ bustling space ports¸ under the watchful eye of rival orbital weapons platforms. But the biggest danger is not the threat of war but the ravages of 150 years of space junk¸ moving at 25¸000 miles per hour! * Lagrange 4¸ where giant cities in space glitter like jewels in the night¸ presided over by the massive O'Neil colony Islandia. * Lagrange 5¸ the ghetto of the solar system¸ colonized by dreamers¸ ideologues and undercapitalized entrepreneurs. Sometimes a dream and a prayer aren't enough. * The Moon. We're back¸ and this time with bulldozers. Luna is the solar system's industrial park¸ with Helium-3 mines that feed the fusion reactors on Earth¸ and more cybershell robots than people. But it's not all machines: the north and south poles are home to the pleasure domes of Moonshadow and thriving transhumanist Luna City. And on Luna's farside¸ a massive telescope array unravels the mysteries of the cosmos...