Skirmishes¸ Battles¸ Soaking and Called Shots
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The Torg Rules are very flexible. Rather than adding new rules¸ this booklet is more of an exploration of what is possible with the current rule set. Apart from Disfavored¸ which is not in the Core Rules and which I introduced in my Aysle Bestiary¸ and the optional ways of Soaking Damage¸ you won't find anything in here that is likely to break your game. The Called Shot rules are clarifications¸ rather than house rules¸ regarding when and where called shots can ignore armor and how Vital Blows work with ignoring armor. I felt that my players needed the clarification written down. The Rotting Knight Gospog is from my Aysle Bestiary and is provided here only to use in the Called Shot examples. On the other hand¸ Soaking Damage is a list of optional house rules that you can try out at your table if you're not particularly happy with the RAW ("Rules As Written") in the Core Rules. I've tried to give suggestions simliar to other rules already in the system but some of the options are definitely more gritty or cinematic than the current rules. For the skirmish/battle rules¸ I have taken the existing rules and applied them to new situations so that now you can run larger battles with Torg. You can set larger mobs on your group of characters or stage battles between two mobs. I have included an extended example pitting 8 soldiers against 100 gospog¸ to give you an idea. I have provided a Gospog mob to use in the examples (and because I really wanted to use the artwork; I think it's a cool picture!)