Cyberware for Everyone
Cyberware for Everyone! In this beautiful little book full of original artwort we provide you with 54 new Cyberware Implants ! And¸ as promised in the title¸ we also included a list of Perks that allows every Storm Knight to acquire them¸ if they are willing to pay the price. That's right! No matter which Cosm you are from¸ if you want that juicy Cyberware inside of you¸ we will give it to you! Hermetic Implants from Aysle. Dynamic Implants from Core Earth. Wondrous Implants from the Living Land. Nanite Implants from Pan Pacifica. Steam Powered Implants from Orrorsh. Gadget Implants from the Nile Empire. Anabaptist Implants from the Cyberpapacy. Wraith Implants from Tharkold.