Penny Dreadful One Shot: Into the Logic Engine
Penny Dreadful One Shots are single session adventures for a party that are only released as PDFs. They allow Fatemasters to choose whether to insert them into an ongoing campaign or to run a quick and dirty session of Through the Breach.
The Fated meet with a Scavenger who needs help bringing in a wayward construct. He offers to split the considerable profits fairly¸ and even pays for the train out from Ridley. But as always in Malifaux¸ things aren't what they seem. The construct has a damaged Soulstone; a flash of neon light¸ a big twist¸ and some weird geometry will see the Fated brought into a realm they've never experienced before.
Into the Logic Engine is a challenging One Shot adventure for the Through the Breach roleplaying game. It requires the Core Rules to play.