Tango Prime Core Set
TANGO PRIME: CORE SET is designed for 28mm skirmish wargaming with any gaming system or rules. TANGO PRIME: CORE SET is for creating sci-base bases¸ forts¸ and installations¸ all of which can use the ARSENAL series weapons as well as integrating with our prior releases. The core set is built around two-inch high¸ four-inch square tower modules which can be easily stacked to create towers of any height. There are a lot of extras included to allow you to customize your towers and buildings: - corridors for safe movement¸ - weapons cupolas when a little fire support isn't enough¸ - observation bay windows and gun ports¸ - antennae and force field projectors¸ - phased array radar panels¸ and more¸ - but to top your tower¸ there's a massive six-gun system for defending against air attacks or drop pods (and you know how annoying those pesky drop pods can be). Further¸ Finger and Toe's GREEN LINE and CHECKPOINT match TANGO PRIME: CORE SET perfectly. NOTE: while TANGO PRIME: CORE SET would easily scale down for 15mm¸ some parts and the textured flaps will be fiddly. Visit the Finger and Toe blog at www.fingerandtoe.com for more detailed pictures and a discussion of the TANGO PRIME: CORE SET ¸ as well as previews of upcoming releases. Finger and Toe's motto¸ "Because they don't cost you an arm and a leg¸" explains the company's philosophy: affordable scenery and model sets for wargamers. Visit the website [www.fingerandtoe.com ]¸ look around¸ have fun. If you like what you see¸ try our other products at RPGNOW.