One Night Stands: Death in the Painted Canyons
Death in the Painted Canyons
is an adventure for the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game for 4-6 characters levels 5-6. The Pathfinderis helpful for the use of this
Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide
adventure as many of the NPC stat blocks appear in it¸ though other
stats can be substituted as necessary. The party should includes a mix of
abilities¸ especially characters with investigative and survival skills. It
would be helpful¸ but not necessary¸ if at least one PC has some knowledge
of the Painted Canyons¸ or at least some experience with desert survival.
Also¸ a PC or companion with the scent ability (or who has an item or
spell that grants it) would be helpful¸ but is not needed. If your party lacks
investigative skills¸ there are clues as to the criminal conspiracy in the
gnoll encampment¸ or you can just drop that aspect of the adventure and
run it as a stand up fight. Parties lacking survival skills or desert experience
can hire a guide at Salt Springs for 3 silver shekels (gp) a day. There is a
hidden secret behind all the events of Death in the Painted Canyons; a
great deal of combat can be expected¸ and those attempting this adventure
should be prepared for a vicious battle before resolving the plot.
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