SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Game Master's Guide
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hat is SURVIVE THIS!!?
SURVIVE THIS!! is a game system created by Eric Bloat using the Open Gaming License. Created for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies!¸ a zombie apocalypse horror RPG¸ and then overhauled for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! 2nd Edition. SURVIVE THIS!! was then utilized for a 1980s setting in Dark Places & Demogorgons and a street-level superhero setting in Vigilante City. SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy is the fourth iteration of the game line bringing the rules to a traditional fantasy setting while remaining fully compatible with the previous games in the line.
Game Master's Guide27 Treasure Types
250+ Magic Items
- Potions
- Scrolls
- Rings
- Gloves
- Boots
- Weapons
- Armor
- Minor Magic Items
- Major Magic Items
150+ Monster Bestiary
Templates: Dire¸ Giant¸ Were-Beast¸ Vampire and Zombie
Random Monster Generator
Random Encounter Tables by Regions
D100 Adventure Hooks
Large toolkit of Random Tables to roll on
Random Dungeon Generator
Random City Generator
Essays on how to be a Game Master and much¸ much more!