Stormbringer: Fantasy Roleplaying in the World of Eric (4e)
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STORMBRINGER is a roleplaying game based on a series of novels written by British writer Michael Moorcock. In these tales he describes Elric¸ the albino Prince of an empire that ruled the Young Kingdoms for 10¸000 years but has settled into a long decline. Now new nations are on the rise in the Young Kingdoms¸ new heroes have come to the fore¸ and new stories wait to be told.
"This book includes everything you need to tell such heroic adventures: an introduction to the Young Kingdoms (the world of Elric); instructions and examples for character creation; how to run a STORMBRINGER game session; complete background information about the inhabitants and nations of the Young Kingdoms including dozens of earthly creatures and creatures of chaos (plus methods of creating your own creature's); game statistics for the maror characters described in Moorcock's tales including Elric of Melnibone and Stormbringer¸ his powerful runesword; religions in the Young Kingdoms; many adventures ready to play.
Stormbringer (4th ed) replaced the 3rd edition.
This book is a complete RPG game published by Chaosium¸ detailing the world of Michael Moorcocks Elric saga. The players usually take the roles of human explorers in the Young Kingdoms¸ although other race information is provided. The Elemental Gods (so frequently invoked by Elric) are described and a system for magic spells is also given. The game was revised and republished under the title Elric! some years later¸ however many people I know consider Stormbringer a better work. Like other Chaosium-produced games (Ringworld¸ Elfquest¸ Runequest¸ and Call of Cthulhu) skills are done on a d100 system and stats usually range from 2d6 to 3d6+6¸ depending on racial packages. Thus¸ if you know one game¸ it is pretty easy to pick up another. Of course¸ there are some minor differences from system to system¸ so it is not a truly universal RP system. I did like this game and would recommend it to any Moorcock¸ Chaosium¸ or fantasy fan.