Perils of the Young Kingdoms (4e)
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A millennium has passed since the great war between the Dharzi and Melnibone. With the fall of the ancient Sorcerers the Melnibonean Dragon Lords became the undisputed masters of their world and the Bright Empire was born. Far to the north of the Dragon Isle a lesser Melnibonean lord took refuge within the bowels of the Black Isle. Here they transformed the former laboratory of an Dharzi mage into a magnificent stronghold. The years passed and the Bright Empire began it"s inevitable decline into decadence and ruin. The caverns of the Black Isle were finally abandoned. 450 years later something dark and malevolent now inhabits Fang Island. Here the natural order of living things are being twisted into abominations. Lord Straasha summons champions to the coast of Takesh bordering the Pale Sea and the unholy domain of forbidden Pan Tang. Visions of bloody waves haunt the dreams of these heroes foretelling a great doom should they fail to heed mighty Straasha"s call. Can a handful of heroes stand up to the Darkness that again threatens the Young Kingdoms?
A thousand years ago a great war between the Dharzi and Melnibone' eliminated the ancient race of sorcerers from the Young Kingdoms¸ and established the Dragon Lords as masters of the world. Far to the north of Melnibone'¸ the family of a lesser lord took the caverns of a tall¸ black island as their home¸ transforming the former laboratory of a Dharzi sorcerer into a magnificent abode. Then¸ the Bright Empire began its inexorable decline¸ and the caverns were abandoned. Four hundred and fifty years have past¸ and something dark and vile now inhabits this isle¸ warping the natural order of living things and twisting their very beings into hideous monsters.
"Lord Straasha summons the adventurers to the coast of Tarkesh¸ bordering the frigid Pale Sea and the unholy domain of forbidden Pan Tang. Visions of bloody waves ceaselessly haunt their dreams¸ presaging a doom to come should the heroes fail to heed Straasha's urgent call.
"PERILS OF THE YOUNG KINGDOMS provides five independent adventures for the STORMBRINGER roleplaying game. Each of these adventures explores places scattered across the world of the Young Kingdoms¸ revealing marvelous¸ mysterious¸ and treacherous locales such as the Floating Realm¸ a sargasso sea of ruined ships; the Link Machine¸ an engine of law which slowly mutates the winged Myrrhyn race; and a Chaos Storm¸ carrying the chaos pack of Queen Xiombarg¸ which hastens the appearance of the Infinite Cathedral of Gormweller the God Seller.