Corum: Heroic Adventures Across the Five Planes
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Darcsyde Productions verkündet¸ daß ihr Quellenband 'Corum' für die Neu- auflage des Stormbringer/Elric!-Spiels nun ausgeliefert wird und Anfang Juli in den US-Shops ankommen wird. Corum basiert auf Michael Moorcocks Romanserie 'Eternal Champion' rund um Corum¸ den Prinzen in der scharlach- roten Robe. Das Buch beschreibt die Bewohner der Welt der fünf Ebenen¸ zusammen mit Regeln um diese zu erschaffen. Vor allem die nichtmenschlichen Rassen und die neuen Magieregeln dürften eine interessante Erweiterung bedeuten. Mit den enthaltenen drei Kurzabenteuern kann man die ersten Schritte in die Welt vornehmen. [Quelle:]
A supplement for the Elric! roleplaying game from Chaosium Inc.¸ published by Darcsyde Productions. This supplement brings to life the World of the Five Planes in which Michael Moorcock's Corum novels take place. This book's setting is several hundred years before Corum's own tale¸ shortly after the barbarian Mabden hordes have crushed the ancient Nhadragh race¸ and before they have turned their attentions to the isolated and esoteric Vadhagh. It is a time of strife¸ where heroes have plentiful opportunities to take part in epic adventures to change the face of their world. The speculative background provides ample geographic¸ historical¸ and cultural information for not only the civilized and barbaric Mabden of the world¸ but also for several of the unique Elder races¸ all of which are possible player characters. Supporting this information are new weapons¸ skills¸ and rules for the use of chariots. The World of the Five Planes was once strong in the ways of Law¸ and mechanics are provided for the elaborate and wonderous Contrivances of the Vadhagh. The coming of Chaos¸ however¸ has seen the rise of a particularly wild form of Sorcery¸ unlike the magic of the Young Kingdoms¸ for which rules are also provided. The book is rounded out by three complete scenarios¸ a beastiary¸ a digest of pre-generated sample characters¸ and a variety of notes concerning campaign and story creation for Corum's world. This exquisite book opens a new world of heroic adventure for the players of Chaosium's acclaimed Elric! roleplaying game¸ and should herald a new beginning for that game. DCS 2000 $24.95 USD ISBN 0-9578427-0-8 168 pages perfect-bound softcover