Referee's Screen and Mini Module (SFAC2)
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he starship Omicron¸ the pride of the Pan Ga l actic Corporation ¸ disappeared years ago on its first voyage. Recently the ship was found drifting in space¸ the passengers and c rew killed by a strange and viru l ent disease. T he ship was decontaminated ¸ refueled ¸ and made ready for operations. The PGC has hired eight advent ur ers to " babysit" the Omicron on her voyage back to a Corporation starport. The ship is being automatically navigated by her computers and robots and this promises to be an easy mission for the " babysitting " team.
ASSAULT ON STARSHIP OMICRON is a mini - modu l e for t he Star FrontiersTM game. The m ini- module offers two different adventures and i n troduces an entirely new intelligen t alien race ¸ the Zuraqqor ¸ a l ong with a new Sathar attack mo n ster¸ the cybodragon. Cybodragons also appear in module SF2 : STARSRAW N OF VOLTU R NUS. Details o f the Zuraqqor and cy bod r agons appear on the A LIEN LI F E FORM U P DATE FI L E. Each scenario has been designed so that it can be used by a referee as part of a continuing campaign¸ or played and replayed on its own as a game. E i ght pre - rolled player cha racters are p r ovided.
This package includes a ZIP file of printable JPGs for the referee's screen with all the charts needed for playing Star FrontiersTM adventures and the mini-module¸ ASSAULT ON STARSHIP OMICRON.
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