Armed Freighter
This is one of my early models and the first that is not originally intended for the Star Frontiers RPG. I tackled this at the request of a friend. He posted the deck plans for a ship as part of a Free Map Friday endeavor back when Google+ was still new. You can now find that map in the Free Downloads section on the DWD Studios website. When he posted it¸ it came with a question: "I wonder what this would look like in 3D? I wonder if any of my modeling friends want to take a crack at it?" So I did and this model is the result. It was modeled at 1/1000th scale (1mm = 1m) based on the deck plans and ship outline that Bill posted. Printed at that size¸ it stands 62.3mm (2.45") tall with a 54.6mm (2.15") wingspan. Tested on both FDM an SLA printers at full and half size. Here's an image of the Armed freighter printed at full size on my SLA printer. The model file provided has a smoother surface that than one I originally used for this print.