Module M: Star Fleet Marines SSD Book (B&W)
Star Fleet Marines! The toughest hombres in space storm through the airlocks and blast the enemy. Whether on a base¸ starship¸ or planet¸ the Marines will teach the enemy a lesson they will not soon forget! This is the revised (2007/2010) classic black-and-white 64-page SSD book from SFB Module M containing SSDs for General¸ Federation¸ Klingon¸ Romulan¸ Kzinti¸ Tholian ¸ Orion¸ Hydran¸ Andromedan¸ Lyran¸ WYN¸ Inter-Stellar Concordium¸ and Lyran Democratic Republic commando ships. There are boarding party diagrams for all those empires and also the Seltorians. This book has been fully updated to the modern standard¸ including expanded refit lines including the year available¸ and the Crawford Box with the command rating¸ docking points¸ explosion strength¸ and year in service¸ as well as all known errata items. This product provides additional ships for use in Star Fleet Battles. You must have the Module M Rulebook¸ SFB Basic Set¸ or Master Rulebook in order to utilize this material. Most of the ships require the Advanced Missions set or the SFB Master Rulebook. Some material will also require Modules C1¸ C2 ¸ and C3 to be used to full effect.