Spycraft Declassified: Shadow Play (2e)
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Espionage is constantly evolving. Agents and their handlers are always looking for new ways to outwit the opposition¸ to beat the odds. Techniques and training¸ weapons and gadgets every edge helps when the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Now¸ declassified and available for the first time in print¸ the latest and greatest tricks of the trade are yours to command.
"Spycraft Declassified: Shadow Play collects some of the very best in Crafty Games PDFs and Signs & Portents articles¸ including Agent X classes and feats¸ cutting-edge weapons and gear from Bag Full of Guns¸ advanced combat options and tricks from Practice Makes Perfect¸ alternate gear systems from The Big Score¸ flexible Attribute-based classes from Back to Basics¸ and more! Whether you're a player or a Game Control¸ this is your chance to upgrade your clearance and raise your game to a whole new level.