Origin of the Species: Transmechs (2e)
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Origins of the Species is your destination for non-human races in Spycraft 2.0. Each installment in this series of toolkit products contains everything you need to incorporate a collection of fantasy or futuristic¸ mutant¸ or mythological races into your Spycraft games. These character options are timeless and setting-free¸ allowing you to drop them into any location¸ society¸ or backdrop. All that's required is GC approval that they fit within the cosmology of the world!
- Play a giant transforming robot¸ hidden in the world of mortals!
- Dozens of Species feats allow you to play as different transmech models and improve your transformations - without having to suffer level penalties or XP restrictions.
- A Legendary Master Class unlocks the greatest powers of your species!
- A complete cast of NPC Transmechs and a black-book government organization help you quickly and easily populate your setting.
- Tips for building an effective transmech character and three ready-to-play scenes for introducing these technological wonders to your campaign!"