Virtual Realities 2.0 (2e)
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Throw away everything you knew about the old matrix rules before you pick this up¸ as almsot everything is different. You still have the same ICE types (Trace¸ Killer¸ etc) but they have added a few more surprises.
The biggest change is actually how the Matrix works. Instead of just a generic number of successes to get something done¸ you have Target numbers for ACIFS (Access¸ Control¸ Index¸ File¸ and Slave)¸ with your programs reducing the TNs. Want to log on? Look at the Access rating¸ reduce it by your Sleaze¸ and viola¸ youre in.
The artwork does leave some to be desired (the Virtual Reality guide in VRI is better then the one in this book and the black and white artist doesnt seem to be able to draw a straight line to save his life). and there are a few places were the rules get sketchy (such as Scramble IC and in depth detail into the Otaku) and that can get annoying¸ but overall the rules are excellent.
If you have people who want to be deckers¸ this is a MUST have. It will speed things up and make the game a lot more fun for both the GM and the players.
"There I was¸ standing next to Joe on the corner¸ when outta nowhere comes this overgrown troll riding the hugest Harley Scorpion I've ever seen¸ blastin' away from all three firmpoints. What really scared teh bejeezus outta me were his arms - coupla big chainsaws¸ buzzin' away like a hundred million wasps. He rode right up and sliced through Joe like a hot knife though butter! Joe flickered a bit¸ his face contorting into a pirmal scream¸ and disappeared. I hotfooted it back to the squat with the words¸ "Buy Mitsuhama" running through my brain - don't ask me why¸ "Then Joe's brother unhooked us from the Matrix...
Virtual Realities 2.0 offers a complete overhaul of all the rules for running Shadowrun's worldwide computer network¸ the Matrix. New rules provide a faster-playing version of decking through the Net¸ update Shadowrun technology¸ and offer new equipment and equipment rules. This sourcebook also includes rules for playing otaku¸ the mysterious technoshamans who seem to live in the Matrix¸ and offers the most current information about Matrix law and artificial intellidences.
Virtual Realities 2.0 replaces the Virtual Realities sourcebook.
For use with Shadowrun¸ Second Edition.