SR4 Style Interior Template
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Want to capture that SR4 Look and Feel for the interior of your Holostreets release? Then here is the template you need. This template is stylistically similar to the Jackpoint interface used during the Shadowrun 4th Edition era. All template elements were created fresh and are different.
This includes customizable page backgrounds¸ Chapter Headers¸ a Sidebar¸ an Artwork Frame¸ and a Table. In addition¸ text styles for all elements are included¸ including three levels of header¸ body text¸ Shadowtalk text¸ and introductory fiction text.
Please note: NO fonts are included with this file. All of the fonts used to generate the PDF and formatted with the InDesign document are included as part of Adobe subscriptions.
This title is formatted as a .zip file with the PDF of the template¸ and the template in both INDD format for the current version of InDesign and IDML for CS4 or later versions¸ which may be compatible with Affinity Publisher. It also includes the Template elements in .ai format and the Stylized "S" used behind the page number¸ taken from the SR3 era logo. A piece of artwork from Holostreets Art Pack 5 is used to demonstrate how the artwork frame works.