Shadow World Master Atlas¸ 4th. Edition
Klappentext: …A planet hangs on the threshold between Order and Chaos¸ a focus of strange powers and portals to alien dimensions. Sorcery clashes with ancient technology while capricious deities make war and the Dragonlords walk as men. Against them all rises the Unlife¸ a force whose dark servants seek the destruction of all that lives…
The long wait is over… Return to the Shadow World¸ home of Dragonlords and Loremasters¸ mysterious ancient civilizations and Navigators who ride the magical Flows of Essænce. The Master Atlas Fourth Edition has arrived¸ completely updated and revised. Some Highlights of the Fourth Edition: Complete race listings and statistics to include RMFRP stats. Greatly expanded histiory¸ updated to 6054 Third Era of Ire. Geopolitical overview of the entire Western Hemisphere. Info on the major good and evil deities Stats on selected Loremasters¸ Navigators and other NPCs. Color map of the western hemisphere. Black & white map of the Bay of Izar.