Character Portfolio
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Descend Into Madness! Requires Shadow of the Demon Lord from Schwalb Entertainment. Record your information. This handy little booklet will hold all the information for your character neatly in one easy to find place. Print it out. P rint the pages on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper¸ double sided¸ put a staple in the center and you're ready to take on the minions of hell or anything your GM vomits out at you! Multiple versions. A full-background¸ printer destroying version and a no-background version are included. UPDATED! Now Form Fillable! Enjoy your character on your digital pad or mobile device. This file is ideal using Adobe Acrobat but will work using other tools. Results will vary. This character portfolio is included here as a free resource to the Shadow of the Demon Lord community. *Updated 092119: updated the form fillable document to fix a few inconsistencies where duplicate information would display.