American Wastelands
Welcome to the New America This is a land of death and strife¸ starvation and chaos. Murderers roam free¸ unfettered by morals or legal consequence. Radioactive monsters consume the unprepared and innocent. Insane scavengers protect glowing specks of land with unwarranted violence. The few beacons of stability are nearly as bad. In the east¸ a madman drugs the water supply and sacrifices children for his entertainment. In the south¸ extreme religious fanaticism grips a monolith from the past. In the west¸ a deadly car race determines superiority over kin. And scattered all across this great wasteland are pockets of survivors and raiders¸ scavengers and soldiers¸ individuals and families on the brink of destruction. The Scorched Earth Campaign Setting serves as campaign setting¸ bestiary¸ and NPC codex. These tools¸ in conjunction with the rules found in the Scorched Earth Core rulebook provide the setting¸ enemies¸ and rules needed to run a full Scorched Earth game. Welcome to the American Wasteland. Welcome to the Scorched Earth.