Blood War Compendium 1: Generals of the Abyss
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The Nine Hells have their champions of Bael and Zariel¸ but what of the Abyss? The lords of that fetid realm of infinite horrors have much to gain from the death of all that is good¸ and they all have their own players in this endless game. This supplement contains stat blocks for 9 entirely new unique demonic generals¸ 5 stat block adjustments for other demonic generals¸ 6 new demons¸ 7 new fiendish spore servants¸ 1 new variety of myconid¸ and 1 brand new demon lord: Shaktari¸ Queen of Fury. This supplement also contains 7 new legendary items¸ one artifact with two different forms¸ and a new variety of demon that begins its life as a magic sword. Finally¸ for ease of reference¸ it contains a list of creatures that are strongly associated with each demon lord that is involved in the Blood War¸ organized by CR and complete with source names. Oh¸ and it also includes an illustration of Athux as well as Shaktari. Enjoy those! GENERALS OF THE ABYSS. ARMIES OF BAPHOMET. Oostarix¸ Eater of Men (CR 14) This obese warlord sorceress is one of the mightiest minotaurs in service to Baphomet¸ and possesses the ability to empower her magic when she tastes the blood of others. Muuzin (CR 11) This tanarukk ranger has fanatically served Baphomet since she was born¸ and now she roams the planes undermining the enemies of the Horned Lord. Ankashar (CR 8) These chimerical sins against flesh possess the traits and abilities of a myriad of creatures¸ from bull to lion to snake. Created by Baphomet to serve his favored thralls¸ they are loyal only to their master and Baphomet himself. Ghour (CR 14) A ghour is a demon formed from a minotaur servant of Baphomet that particularly please the Horned Lord. Appearing as a towering minotaur and possessing a terrifying roar and a poisonous breath¸ these demons are incredibly dangerous warriors of Baphomet. ARMIES OF DEMOGORGON. Belcheresk (CR 22) This balor is Demogorgon's right hand and is the being best suited to supplant him. He commands his armies all across the planes¸ from those engaged in the Blood War to those protecting the Prince of Demons' domestic interests. Saint Kargoth¸ the Deceiver (CR 20) This fallen paladin of Oerth is the first of the death knights and commands thirteen death knight champions across the planes. He despises orders of goodness above all else and would love nothing more than to see them crushed into the dirt. Kazuul Armeater (CR 17) Though he was once a stern paladin of Bane¸ Kazuul soon came to love violence and power for its own sake and turned to Demogorgon. Now he's a monstrous reptilian abomination¸ gathering powerful weapons and devouring his enemies with glee. Thrarak¸ the Flayed Maiden (CR 17) She was among the orcs who were first transformed into ettins¸ and she has devoted herself to Demogorgon¸ acting as a shaman and soothsayer to the demon lord. Now she travels the planes¸ searching out his enemies and sabotaging resistance to his sign of madness. Verakia (CR 14) The verakia are an primordial breed of demon native to the Screaming Jungle of Demogorgon's realm. Embodiments of pure savagery¸ to even approach one is to be overcome with bloodlust. Only the mightiest demons can successfully subdue one¸ but those that do gain a ferocious mount. ARMIES OF GRAZ'ZT. Athux (CR 19) The favorite son of Graz'zt views his assignment to the Blood War as proof of his father's fear of him. He believes that the Blood War is beneath him¸ though he greatly enjoys the opportunity for slaughter that it presents¸ especially the occasional celestials that involve themselves in the bloodshed. To that end¸ he would love to see Zariel redeemed so that he might kill her for pleasure. Boz'mozog and Boz'gozon¸ the Blood Twins (CR 12) This babau was the first born of its race¸ born from the blood of Graz'zt himself. He s