In early 2019¸ the first in a line of new automated guardians was previewed by Pars Tech subsidiary¸ Puissant Systems. Dubbed Talos¸ these new automated guardians contain rudimentary artificial intelligence and exceptional dexterity. These robots are designed to augment the military and law enforcement¸ by serving in dangerous locations where the possibility of the loss of human life is strong. Initial tests are ongoing and the hope is these automated guardians will be released for use in the field in the next five to seven years. The Truth Pussiant Systems has been testing Talos for the last couple years against FARC rebels in Columbia¸ Mexican drug cartels¸ and Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria. The androids have performed well¸ but their aggression and singlemindedness in achieving their assigned goals have led to a large number of civilian casualties and the incredibly brutal deaths of their assigned targets. What is Talos? Talos is a short supplement for Olympus Inc that provides variations of a single new IMB in the form of several different Talos models such as the Talos-Elete Soldier and the Talos-Heavy Weapons model. In addition¸ play an Awakened Talos using this new bloodline complete with new Racial Edges and Hindrances. To introduce Talos to your players¸ this supplement includes a short adventure with plenty of action. To use Talos¸ you must have a copy of the Savage Worlds Core Rules and The Olympus Inc setting book. Grab your copy today!