Shaintar: Brinchie Guidebook
The Brinchie: an often misunderstood race. Many think these folk are demons simply because they come from Norcan Darr and must be some different sort of Childer¸ right? Wrong! Well¸ yes¸ they might have come from Norcan Darr¸ but they've been a staunch ally in the wars against Darkness and Flame. Welcome to the Guidebook for the Brinchie¸ an oft misunderstood race of feline humanoids found in Shaintar. Come with us as we delve into their society¸ their secrets and lay bare the fabled Crescent Warriors¸ an enigmatic shadow society of the brinchie steeped in tradition and honor. In this guidebook we'll introduce more information on their martial art Kalinata¸ and sprinkle in some new Edges¸ adding even more dimension and skill to your brinchie characters. We even take a look at some of the more obscure settlements of the brinchie¸ as well as revealing more of their personal history; much of their tradition has been lost as they have integrated into the overall society and cultures of Shaintar. Welcome¸ keep your fur safe and your claws to yourself.