Parker Pack 3
Designed for use with Trailer Park Shark Attack!¸ 'Parker Pack #3 offers 8 more pre-generated character cards ready for the TPSA ! character deck. Add them to the original 24 characters or substitute for 8 others -- either way¸ chum for the sharks and more fun for the players. The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark¸ pick another 'Parker and keep playing. TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. Once you sink your teeth into it¸ you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again. You can't swim? You might wanna start sayin' your prayers. 'Parker Pack #3 is designed for use with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition version of TPSA!. Shark Hunter Lucky Stiff The Lip Repo Man/Woman Coach Polymath Two-Bit Gambler Kissin' Cousin DHR is an Ace licensee publisher for Savage Worlds.