Low Fantasy Gaming (Original) GM Screen Inserts
GM Screen Inserts for Low Fantasy Gaming RPG 5 x single page LFG/Midlands landscape panels¸ as a PDF for home/office printing: Combat - Combat mods summary¸ improv monsters¸ improv traps/hazards¸ movement summary¸ injury/recovery & death. Exploration 1 - Travel speed¸ encounter distances¸ starting weather¸ shifting weather¸ "while you were lost" table. Exploration 2 - Midlands encounters¸ generic encounters¸ monster index. NPCs - Midlands names¸ speech quirks¸ mental quirks¸ locations. Miscellaneous - Melee weapons¸ ranged weapons¸ skills¸ gear availability¸ outpost services¸ and treasure. The PDFs (both parchment and white backgrounds) are landscape orientation & very large¸ but if you print "fit to page"¸ then trim the blank borders¸ they will fit the DTRPG Game Master Screen landscape slots (11" x 8.5"). I'm not sure if they'll also fit into the Savage Worlds customizable screen (as I couldn't find the SW screen dimensions online)¸ but you could always shrink the images further if need be. Character art copyright the most excellent Maciej Zagorski at The Forge Studios LLC. Some parchment boxes copyright Billiam Babble / Inked Adventures (original art) © 2011. One parchment box copyright Daniel Comerci. All used with permission.