Tales of Crisis part 2
Here is an expansion of the tales of crisis game. It looks bare bones but that is kind of one purpose. Over the years if I have an idea for a spell or class I can put it in this document. I don't want to edit the original tales of crisis for various reasons. I'm getting some downloads for this so hopefully you guys test out the first one which the site should be able to link you to or you can just search my name paul springsteen on this site. It's free so check it out. I added the thaumaturge which gets less spells know with a smaller spell list than the savant(took away passive spells but that is the trend going forward). However they have super awesome archetypes and archetype abilities. I don't know where they are power wise. I'm thinking that they will become stronger faster than the savant but the savant get stronger in the end. However I'm not a company so I couldn't do like 1000 test games. I added the technomancer which is basically a person that works with technology. There is something called artifacts which in my world aren't necessarily refering to magic but rather ancient tech that you can find in the ankari wastes(or the tale coordinators world). It can be magic too but that is up to you. In this game artifacts basically have hidden abiliities and potential that can be unlocked by technomancers. Technomancers also gain an abilitiy over advanced technology. They are able to better hack computers or control them from a distance. Your use my vary and it is a little weird making a class based on a class of items. The ankari wastes are a land that is devasted but by what no one knows. No one knows even how big they are but now that world is connected to the world of gaia where we regular humans now live. This is the 1st crisis that smashed realities. This is what I kind of worked on and there is ancient tech in that world that is almost like magic. So I had to create a class that could use it because no one else can. People will notice that a lot of my classes are similar to those that I published in dnd. That is because they were based off of archetypes and also I worked with them over and over again so I like them. Don't know if new classes will be added in the future but this Thaumaturge was one on my too do list. In a way I'm like a spigot. I have ideas that flow out. Currently I'm working on a lore document which since it isn't my main focus could take a while.(I keep telling myself to focus on my novels so for example even if what I said in the esper document area turns out to not to be true there you go). Also updated the preview so you guys don't have to buy it(for free). The newest class is the cleric. Which think more like constantine(there will be more types whenever I make a monster manual far in the future) than holy man. It is supposed to be more of a martial class compared to full casters but probably not as martial as say the zealot. I started working with a new idea too which is archetype synergy which hopefully doesn't break the game. Anyway this is the slayer type character which they get bonuses according to certain monser types. I added a new class called the rune master. Also I don't remember when I did this but I added new weapons. I'm not a big gun guy so I will probably do guns way in the future to add more. I have been working on the tale coordinator guide. I'm working on factions right now and it is already way more indepth that the dm guide. I am just starting it out too. I wonder if I should flesh it out and make it almost like a second game or not but that would take a while to conceptualize. Right now I'm just going over the different types of facts. Remember though when this document comes out I'm not an expert the tale coordinator guide will just be a way that I see to run it and hopefully it helps you. It will be free like everything else. I don't know if people are angry that I keep working on my stuff. I remember a guy commented once for me to update less. So sorry. It is just that