Little House on the Scary
This piece was originally written as a one-page adventure that I wanted to share on Twitter just because I love mimics. It got a decent response¸ so I decided to expand it for my Horrific Encounters in Ravenloft title.
The more I have thought about it¸ though¸ the more I think it deserves to stand on its own¸ as its own thing. is a quick one-shot (or side-quest¸or encounter chain) where you can also get (more than?) your fill of the sticky-tongued monstrosities.
This creepy abandoned inn can be set in any Ravenloft domain of dread you like¸ or you can drop it into any setting you want where your party can stroll up to a seemingly abandoned house.
All of the 8 mini-encounters in Little House on the Scary are inspired by Zack Moeller's "Mimic Colony” set of maps. You can download those for free on his Patreon¸ and I think they highly enhance the experience.