The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game)
Imagine you're walking along the street¸ shopping for new clothes. Suddenly¸ an angry sweeper bot approaches you! It's wielding a broom¸ ready to attack for absolutely no reason! It's time for a random battle! The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game for short) is set in a science fiction universe with mundane skills¸ super powers¸ and magic. Oh¸ and don't forget the spaceships. They're half the fun! For months this game's development has slowly been posted on the Akashik website¸ but it has been moved to here. As new parts of how things work get fleshed out (during the course of writing and producing Akashik and associated stories)¸this book gets added to or tweaked. This is not a very involved game. It's main purpose is to help K. J. Joyner plot battles for storytelling. This is just the core rulebook. No supplement materials are included. This core book may be added to and edited as time goes by. Gameplay requires only your brain and two 6-sided dice.