Porphyra RPG - System Update
In 2019¸ we published the Porphyra Roleplaying Game (PRG). Since that time we
have put out a smattering of releases but have not been able to produce material on
a regular basis due to another of issues. Upon deciding to write the PRG¸ I knew
there would be a lot of legacy content that could not initially be included in the
main book. Some of this legacy content has been converted and added to the
PorphyraRPG wiki¸ but not enough.
My goals for this book is:
1. To share with you converted content as I continue to make it available on the PorphraRPG wiki
2. To force myself to do some writing and design work on a regular basis
3. To learn how to use my new layout software (many of my old products are trapped in a format I no longer use)
I may produce new content for this project as well but the goal at this point in to work on conversions.
Requests: If you have conversion requests send them to purpleduckgames@gmail.com and I will try to accommodate them in the process.