Spellbones of the Devourer
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New options for your necromancers¸ witches¸ and divine cultists of the hungry dead!
The fourth in our line of Gothic Grimoires¸ Spellbones of the Devourer explores the ancient cultic rites dating back into prehistory of those who have preyed upon their own kin in appeasement of grotesque and hungry primitive deities. These cannibal cults linger still at the shadowy fringes of society¸ keeping the old ways alive in heretical defiance of the so-called civilized religions of modernity. They remember the ancient hunger¸ and they crave only flesh. Spellbones of the Devourer is an ideal complement to a Gothic Adventure Path or any game where characters wander across lonely places where a peaceful exterior hides a terrible and fundamental wrongness that threatens to devour them literally as well as figuratively. Inscribed by a deranged academic upon her own living skull¸ these scrivenings include 2 new feats like Eaters of the Dead¸ 6 new spells from devouring maw to ghoulish devolution¸ and an elaborate new monster template formed when a living mind tastes a bit too much of the flesh of its own kind: the thoul (or mythos ghoul).
Designed by Jason Nelson with the Legendary Games design team of Neil Spicer¸ Greg A. Vaughan¸ Clinton J. Boomer¸ Matt Goodall¸ Jim Groves¸ Tim Hitchcock¸ Russ Taylor¸ and Clark Peterson. Legendary Games combines stellar writing talent with innovative layout and product design¸ hyperlinked internally and to online Pathfinder resources for easy interactive reference¸ and top-notch artistic values that we think will bring you back again and again.
Check out this 8-page gothic-themed magical accessory and Make Your Game Legendary!