Super Heroes 2e
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Welcome to Super Heroes 2e for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Deviant is the word that pathfinder 2nd edition uses to refer to super heroes. This supplement can be considered a standalone but you can also use it to expand the Deviant rules from the Dark Archive.
Super Heroes 2e adds 50 Deviant feats along with tons of boons and abilities. A parameter table for improving and customizing your own powers and deviations¸ and several recommended modes of play to grant the strange might of super powers to your heroes and villains.
Super powers can be granted at level 0-2 and improve every 3rd level and remain balanced up through level 20.
Here is a list of powers included in this supplement
Acid (Transform into an acid creature¸ manipulate acid¸ and consume creatures to become larger)
Adaptation (Gain resistance to sources of damage after you are damaged)
Agility (Greater ability to react to triggers and faster reaction time)
Animal (Greater access to transform into animals and customize natural attacks)
Burrow (The power to burrow into things¸ a movement power)
Creation (The power to create objects temporarily from nothing)
Destruction (The power to unravel objects and creatures)
Distill (The power to create mutagens that contain temporary powers)
Dupicate (The power to form temporary duplicates of yourself)
Durability (Incredible durability to physical damage¸ and less durability to energy damage)
Earth (The power to command and wield rocks and dirt)
Electricity (The power to command¸ wield¸ and temporarily transform into electricity)
Energy (The power to absorb¸ convert¸ and transfer energy types)
Explosion (The power to store and release vast amounts of energy in destructive explosions)
Fire (The power to command¸ wield¸ and transform into fire)
Flight (The power to fly at incredible speeds¸ a movement power)
Humanoid (The power to impersonate humanoids and adjust ability boosts)
Ice (The power to command¸ wield¸ and transform into ice)
Illusion (The power to create powerful lasting illusions)
Inertia (The power to become more unstoppable the further you move)
Inventor (The power to create items that mimic powers)
Jump (The power to leap and bound incredible distances¸ a movement power)
Ki (The power to generate brilliant energy to blast your foes)
Laser (The power to emit powerful cutting lasers from your eyes)
Magic (The power to cast spells like a small british wizard)
Material (The power to alter the composition and shape of your body)
Mimicry (The power to mimic others powers at a distance)
Mind (The power to alter and control the minds of others)
Phase (The power to pass through solid objects and cause others to do the same)
Plant (The power to command¸ control¸ and rapidlly grow plants)
Portal (The power to create portals)
Regeneration (The power to regenerate lost limbs and body parts)
Size (The power to change your body size)
Speed (The power to perform tasks quickly)
Spider (The powers of a spidery highschooler from the inner city)
Stealing (The power to steal the powers of others)
Sense (Superior senses such as smell or sight)
Star Weapon (Elegant weapons from a more civilized age)
Strength (The power of super human strength)
Stretch (The power to stretch your body)
Swarm (The power to become a nightmarish swarm and command insects)
Swim (The power to swim quickly¸ a movement power)
Symbiote (The power to meld with a powerful bloodthirsty symbiote and customize its powers)
Time (The power to turn back the clock)
Transmutation (The powers of a vertically challenged state alchemist)
Telekinetic (The power to lift and throw targets with your mind)
Teleport (The power to quickly teleport around)
Vengeful (The powers of a vengeful chain wielding¸ burning¸ skeleton)
Water (The power to peer through¸ become¸ increase¸ and command water)
Wealth (Access to the upper echelons of societies¸ connections¸ and the perks of vast resources)